Friday, June 24, 2016

Trump Reacts to Brexit

The Donald was in rare form today at a scheduled press conference tied to his course at Turnberry.  Of course, given the momentous day with the vote (which we knew was going to take place), the questions would be about the historic vote for the UK to exit the EU.

In Trump's defense, he was on a stop for his golf course in Scotland.  So any article suggesting Trump's press conference was self centered may be positioning that is a little disingenuous.  It was a scheduled stop for a business purpose.  However, to be critical of Trump, he should have been fully prepared to speak about the issue of the day - the vote.  And as a leading candidate for POTUS, he should have a clear POV of the issues surrounding a major decision with one of our closest allies, right? RIGHT?  Wrong.  See the actual transcript:

Top comment when I clicked the article resonated for me:
It is just as people have been suspecting. Sarah Palin writes his scripts. How else can anyone explain the complete incoherent meaningless blather that comes flowing out of Trump's mouth. No - it has to be Sarah Palin. Dumb and incoherent just like the Donald.

Classic stuff.  I have to admit that I'm completely embarrassed by this.  It's really sad that this guy is almost the republican nominee.  A couple observations when I read the transcript.

Trump is trying to tie his campaign to a message of status quo upheaval, although he struggles to articulate that...or find the right time and place to make that connection.  The first question, he was asked about whether Scotland (who voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU) should stay or go.  The answer he gave indicated he didn't even listen to the question.  Check it out.  It's ridiculous.  He didn't dodge the question or pivot on the question - typical politician tactical stuff.  No, he answered a completely different question.  He tried (unsuccessfully) to make a connection to his campaign and the Brexit....and then started talking about his poll numbers.  It was completely incoherent.  This is the type of Q&A that happens between two wookies on acid at a Phish show....not with a nominee for POTUS.

Two follow-up questions after to get him to answer the question of the impact and what Scotland should do.  He finally got to an answer....ABOUT THE IMPACT TO HIS GOLF COURSE.  One of the most important decisions in recent history in the UK and Trump is not able to offer any more than an elementary view of the value of the pound and then link that with business to his own golf course.  I think reading between the lines here, we get Donald showing what he is all about - his own brand.  That always comes first.  He can't even pretend to be thinking of the impact to others - that is beyond him.  Even when he is shooting for the top position in the free world, they guy is still thinking and speaking through his own warped egocentric view of the world, which revolves around his wealth.  I think it was a perfect little moment that sums Trump perfectly.

It couldn't be that bad, right?  RIGHT?  Wrong.  That answer was so bad, it received ANOTHER follow-up question to try and tease out any semblance of an answer that highlights Donald understands how this is affecting these countries and Europe.  I'll have to copy/paste this one, since it is so perfect:
Yeah, Katie?
QUESTION: ... momentous — momentous right now, and you are on the world stage. Are you traveling with any of your foreign policy advisers? You knew that this was going to happen today, there was going to be some sort of decision.
Are you huddling with them to find out what the best way...
TRUMP: Well, I've been in touch with them, but there's nothing to talk about. You know, I've been saying I would prefer what happened. Thing. I thought this would be a good thing, I think it will turn out to be a good thing. Maybe not short term, not, but ultimately I think it will be a good thing.
And I've actually been in touch. And some, by the way, don't like it, and some do like it. You know, they're advisers, they're like everybody else. They probably know less, every one of these advisers.
Somebody said, "Gee, you should use advisers that have been really hot the last five years." I said, "Really? I think I want to use ones that haven't been involved." Take a look at what has happened in the world.
WTF?  This was an attempt by the press to clarify whether Donald is even prepped to answer the question.  "Are you traveling with your foreign policy advisors" was a clarification effort to determine if he was even aware of what happened today.  This is an important step for the reporters to write their article.  Because he either has been briefed that this vote occurred or he hasn't.  Either way, the outcome of this press conference is awful...but for different reasons pending that answer.  Donald verifies that he has been talking with them and there is "nothing to talk about."  Um, W....T.......F.

The press keeps on leading him back to water, but he won't drink.  They start putting the answers in the questions to see if he can make any connections and understand there are world-wide impacts to this.  Like "the treasury secretary and the Fed chairwoman said Brexit would have a negative impact on the US economy."  Trumps answer was they just don't know.  Wait and see.

This is anther Donald insight moment here.  For nearly a year, he has been going around, giving answers and perspectives to things as a reaction to the question....often giving the impression that he's given the question or scenario no proactive thought.  Just his gut reaction with little information on the subject.  You can see it in his speech - there are numerous tells when he's off this reservation of knowledge.  One is that he starts talking in 3rd or 4th person language - explaining that people are talking about people who said something about this.  The other tell he often goes to is saying "let's see how it plays out."  He says it all the time.  And he tends to say it when he clearly has no idea of what the subject matter is.  That's fine if you are a reality TV star.  It is NOT fine when your words start to have impact.  And as POTUS....or even the nominee to one of our parties, YOUR WORDS DO HAVE IMPORTANT IMPACTS.  We are in a place now where we can't just wing first impression answers out there.  It can have impacts to our allies, to our enemies, to our country, to the global economy.  Obama's opinions, like G-Dubbs before him HAVE FAHKING IMPACT.  That is a fact.  But Trump has proven time and time again that he likes to just wing shit out there with no thought behind it.  He is a walking Twitter handle.  At this point, as one of 2 likely candidates, his words now carry more weight.  It's not good enough to give first impressions to questions on the world stage.  It's unacceptable, regardless of your politics.  And this transcript is a perfect example how he is bullshitting his way through interviews with no prep (or the prep/briefs do not stick).  He doesn't measure his words and doesn't think through the impact of them.  When the world revolves around you, you can't be bothered to think through shit - your gut reaction should suffice.  But, as POTUS, the world revolves around your words...which are the most important tool in your arsenal.  You've got the power to nominate SC justices and use your bully pulpit - that is the big 2.  Right there.  And Trump has yet to embrace this's still just a Trump circus to him.  And that is terrifying.

I could go on and on.  Just read the fucking transcript and think about the fact that this guy, who is so clearly full of shit, could be our next President.



  1. What kind of goo-slurping left wing gehwad would ever attack (without ANY provocation, mind you) a key political figure and presumptive nominee to a major party's endorsement in this fashion? Answer: No one really knows. This article is tainted with the stain of a revenge agenda if I ever saw one, and I've been around for a long time. A long time.

  2. I will wreck your fucking dick, bro. Lay off Donald J Trump. He's a nation treasure who is way better than you will ever be. Who would you rather have running the show? A successful businessman with tiny hand/a giant schlong, or a curmudgeon crook who hasn't seen her husband's hog since the mid-90s? I know who I'm voting for.

  3. PoliticaBird - You are 100% on point. Drumpf doesn't even want to be president. He's just on cruise control to see how far this thing can go, and will reap the free advertising rewards that come from this. I hope anyone who doesn't see that is paid a visit from their flat-chested 8th grade girlfriend who promptly eats their moped right in front of them. I'm sorry what I said in my earlier post. I didn't mean it at all. Anyway, changing gears for a bit, are you going to Burning Man this year? Let's hang out!

  4. God, you leave your seat at the libary for a solitary minute and some fuckface posts under your name? Unreal! For the record I would never post anything degrative about my boy Donny. Also, I love mopeds. - Darius

  5. I'm out! I'm totally out tonight. Hit me up if you are. -Darius "The Hariust" Stanowitz
